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4.4 ( 9104 ratings )
Vývojář: lataasha llc

Have you ever wondered about getting free stuff in your community, but didn’t know where to search? Well don’t fret, because listing and finding everything that’s FREE in your community has never been easier than NOW. Yes everything that’s FREE is accessible to you with the touch of a button. FREE food, FREE fun, FREE entertainment, FREE information, FREE everything!!! It’s the best Marketing and Advertising app in the industry. The word Free has a nice ring to it, especially when you have direct access to things that are FREE! Right? Right!!!

Free Findz was created for everyone!!! We especially have YOU in mind if you like free stuff or want to give away free stuff!! It’s your one stop shop (app) to finding, and most importantly, listing everything that’s free in your local area. It’s quick, easy, simple to list, then search and find free deals, items, clothes, food, etc. Free Findz is the most convenient and fastest growing Marketing app, in 2020. You can find and/or list free stuff in your community. All you have to do is list the items that you just want to simply give away for FREE. By uploading a photo and short description of what is FREE, our Finderz are able to view and respond to the Giverz within minutes. It’s as easy as one, two, FREE!)

No charges/fees for joining the app for merchants or users and Individuals with 1 or 2 items will be able to advertise for FREE